



给你一个下标从 1 开始的整数数组 numbers ,该数组已按 非递减顺序排列  ,请你从数组中找出满足相加之和等于目标数 target 的两个数。如果设这两个数分别是 numbers[index1]numbers[index2] ,则 1 <= index1 < index2 <= numbers.length

以长度为 2 的整数数组 [index1, index2] 的形式返回这两个整数的下标 index1 index2

你可以假设每个输入 只对应唯一的答案 ,而且你 不可以 重复使用相同的元素。



示例 1:

输入:numbers = [2,7,11,15], target = 9
解释:2 与 7 之和等于目标数 9 。因此 index1 = 1, index2 = 2 。返回 [1, 2] 。

示例 2:

输入:numbers = [2,3,4], target = 6
解释:2 与 4 之和等于目标数 6 。因此 index1 = 1, index2 = 3 。返回 [1, 3] 。

示例 3:

输入:numbers = [-1,0], target = -1
解释:-1 与 0 之和等于目标数 -1 。因此 index1 = 1, index2 = 2 。返回 [1, 2] 。



  • 2 <= numbers.length <= 3 * 104
  • -1000 <= numbers[i] <= 1000
  • numbers非递减顺序 排列
  • -1000 <= target <= 1000
  • 仅存在一个有效答案


Given a 1-indexed array of integers numbers that is already sorted in non-decreasing order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. Let these two numbers be numbers[index1] and numbers[index2] where 1 <= index1 < index2 <= numbers.length.

Return the indices of the two numbers, index1 and index2, added by one as an integer array [index1, index2] of length 2.

The tests are generated such that there is exactly one solution. You may not use the same element twice.

Your solution must use only constant extra space.


Example 1:

Input: numbers = [2,7,11,15], target = 9
Output: [1,2]
Explanation: The sum of 2 and 7 is 9. Therefore, index1 = 1, index2 = 2. We return [1, 2].

Example 2:

Input: numbers = [2,3,4], target = 6
Output: [1,3]
Explanation: The sum of 2 and 4 is 6. Therefore index1 = 1, index2 = 3. We return [1, 3].

Example 3:

Input: numbers = [-1,0], target = -1
Output: [1,2]
Explanation: The sum of -1 and 0 is -1. Therefore index1 = 1, index2 = 2. We return [1, 2].



  • 2 <= numbers.length <= 3 * 104
  • -1000 <= numbers[i] <= 1000
  • numbers is sorted in non-decreasing order.
  • -1000 <= target <= 1000
  • The tests are generated such that there is exactly one solution.


from typing import List

class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, a: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        n = len(a)
        k = n - 1
        for i in range(n):
            while k > 0 and a[i] + a[k] > target:
                k -= 1
            if a[i] + a[k] == target:
                if i > k:
                    i, k = k, i
                return [i + 1, k + 1]

最后更新: October 11, 2023